
中学英语作文说明篇:025 How to Protect the Environment


示例: How to Protect the EnvironmentIts very important for us to protect the environment Good environment can mak

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示例: How to Protect the Environment

It"s very important for us to protect the environment. Good environment can make people feel happy and fit. To improve the environment means to improve our life.

To begin with, we shouldn"t cut down trees. Instead, we should plant more trees and flowers around us. Secondly, we should stop factories from pouring waste water into the river and waste gas into the air. And whenever we see litter on the ground, we should pick it up and throw it into dustbins. Never spit in public. Don"t draw on public walls. We should also use shopping bags instead of plastic bags.

In a word , it"s our duty to protect the environment. We hope our world will become more and more beautiful.

译文: 如何保护环境




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  1. 木子李 @2023-12-20 20:55木子李 @[福建省网友]


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