
让你眼前一亮的短句文案 温柔治愈 适合收藏


Mature tired night home, there is always a gray street lamp to illuminate his way home 恋爱还是要跟喜欢的人谈,不喜欢的人你开始

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It"s said that it"s not sweet to try to turn things around, but I don"t like sweet food!


Mature tired night home, there is always a gray street lamp to illuminate his way home.


Love or to talk with the people you like, do not like the people you do not want to start, how to talk about?


There are several small clouds in the clear sky. After the quarrel, we didn"t leave a step for each other!


You can consume my feelings and cheat me, but can you come slowly.


I haven"t been in love for a long time. Now I look at the little yellow dog in the next village and feel that he is very pretty.


Don"t be so timid, just show yourself, and then we can fall in love.


Are you a wood? Can"t you see I like your mind?


Pigs are not picky like you, but pigs will be sold. You are my treasure, and I am reluctant to sell it!


Normal people eat a bowl is a bowl, you eat a bowl of thinking about the pot.


Don"t be greedy. There can only be one person to love and the one you like can always be the one you love.

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  1. 放逐心境2023-12-20 05:56放逐心境[福建省网友]
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