
中考英语复习第8讲八年级上册 Units5 6和7知识点讲练18题解析

时间:2023-09-13 04:55:01


中考英语复习第8讲八年级上册 Units5 6和7知识点讲练18题解析

1. The house used to ______.

A. belong to Mr. Brown

B. belonging to ,Mr. Brown

C. belong to Mr. Brown’s

D. to be Mr. Brown

试题分析:句意:这个房子过去属于布朗先生。belong to somebody是固定短语,属于……;used to do过去常常做……。据句意,故选A。考点:考查非谓语动词。

2.–--Why is Harvey’s mother so happy ? ----Because only three students ________,_________his son Harvey

A. failed the exam ; besides

B. made progress ; except

C. passed the exam; including

D. passed the exam ; without

试题分析:句意:——为什么Harvey的妈妈这么高兴?——因为只有三个学生通过考试,包括他的儿子Harvey。pass the exam通过考试,failed the exam考试不及格;besides除……之外(包括),except除……之外(不包括),including包括,without没有。据Why is Harvey’s mother so happy ?故选C。考点:考查动词短语及介词辨析。

3. ---Can you tell me _______he will be back ---In a week ?

A. whenB. how longC. how soonD. whether

试题分析:句意:你能告诉我他多久将回来吗?一周后。A. when什么时候, B. how long多长时间,C. how soon多久,D. whether是否。给In a week提问应该用how soon。据句意,故选C。考点:考查疑问词辨析。

4. —I don’t know if my uncle ______me a new dictionary .

— Well , if he _____you one ,I’ll buy one for you .

A. will buy ,won’t buy

B. buys ,doesn’t buy

C. will buy ,doesn’t buy

D. buys ,won’t buy

试题分析:句意:——我不知道我叔叔是否将给我买一本词典。——噢,如果他不给你买,我将给你买一本。主句是现在时态,据题意宾语从句if my uncle ______me a new dictionary 要用一般将来时态;条件状语从句if he _____you one要用一般现在时态代替一般将来时。据句意,故选C。考点:考查动词时态。

5. --What do Li Lei’s parents do?

--They _________ doctors.

A. are allB. are both

C. all areD. both are

试题分析:句意:——李雷的父母是做什么工作的?---他们都是医生。父母是两人,因此用both, both的位置关系是,在实义动词前,助动词后。故选B。考点:考查代词的用法。

6. ------ Is that woman in red your teacher?

-----No, it ___her. She has gone to the office.

A may be B must be

C can’t be D mustn’t be

试题分析:句意:那个穿红色衣服的女人是你们的老师吗?不,不可能是她。她去办公室了。A may be 可能是,B must be一定是, C can’t be不可能是,D mustn’t一定不要。 据She has gone to the office.,故选C。


7. —Is Mr. Smith really ill ? —________.He’s in hospital.

A. I don’t think so

B. No , he doesn’t

C. I hope so

D. I’m afraid so


试题分析:句意:——史密斯先生真的病了吗?恐怕如此。他住院了。A. I don’t think so.我不这样认为。B. No , he doesn’t. 不,他没有。C. I hope so. 我希望如此。D. I’m afraid so. 我恐怕如此。据句意,故选D。考点:考查交际用语。

8. How time flies ! We’re leaving school. I’ll never forget the days _____we have spent together.

A. whoB. that C. whenD. where

试题分析:句意:时间过的真快!我们就要离开学校。我永远也不会忘记我们一起度过的日子。A. who谁,B. that那,C. when什么时候,D. where哪里。先行词day是物,故定语从句引导词用that。据句意,故选B。考点:考查定语从句的关系词。

9. ------ Could you tell me ______________ the Nobel Prize ?

- ------ Last year.

A when did Mo Yan get

B when Mo Yan will get

C when Mo Yan got

D when will Mo Yan get

试题分析:句意:—你能告诉我莫言什么时候获得的诺贝尔奖吗?—去年。Last year是过去时的时间状语,且宾语从句应该是陈述句的语序,据题意,故选C。


10. ---Hi ,Ann! I won the first prize in the English Speech Contest .---Congratulations! And I guess your parents must ____you.

A. be mad at B. be proud of

C. be angry with D. be impolite to

试题分析:句意:--嗨,安!我在英语演讲比赛中获得了一等奖。--祝贺!我猜你父母一定为你骄傲的。A. be mad at对……生气,B. be proud of 因……感到自豪,C. be angry with对……生气,D. be impolite to对……是不礼貌的。据句意,故选B。考点:考查动词短语辨析。

11. If there is _____ pollution, the environment in our city will be ____worse.

A more, much B less, much

C less ,more D more , more

试题分析:句意:如果有更多的污染,我们城市的环境将会更糟得多。much+比较级,much worse更糟得多;more更多的,less更少的。据题意,故选A。考点:考查形容词副词的比较级。

12. It’s said that______ young people may lose their abilities to hear after five years if they listen to MP4 players which are too loud for more than five hours a week

A. thousand of B. six thousands

C. thousands of D. six thousands of

试题分析:句意:据说,如果他们每星期听MP4声音太大一周超过5小时,5年后成千上万的年轻人可能会失去听力。thousands of固定短语,成千上万。据句意,故选C。考点:考查数词。

13. ------ Which would you prefer, noodles or rice?

------ _______ . I’m not hungry now, thank you.

A Neither B EitherC Both D None

试题分析:句意:—面条和米饭你更喜欢哪个?—两者都不喜欢。我现在不饿,谢谢你。A Neither两者都不, B Either(两者中)的任何一个都, C Both两者都,D None没有一个(三个或三个以上中)。 据I’m not hungry now,故选A。考点:考查代词辨析。

14. Could you please tell me________?

A. How can you deal with the challenges

B. Where he lives last year

C. Where he has bought it

D. if he will come tomorrow


15. ---Do you have Jay’s CDs ? ----Sorry ,they are______. But we’ll get some more next week because they______.

A. sold well; are on sale

B. sold out ; sell well

C. selling well; sell well

D. for sale ;sell well


16. ----Sandy, I called you last night ,but nobody answered the phone .

----I’m sorry . We ________a birthday party _______ Jerry.

A. had ; with B. were having ;for

C. are having ;for D. had; for

试题分析:句意:——Sandy我昨天晚上给你打电话了,但是没有人接。——对不起。我们正在为Jerry举办生日聚会。据I called you last night ,but nobody answered the phone .,故句子要用过去进行时态;for为了,故选B。考点:考查过去进行时态及介词辨析。

17. Have you ever _____there before ? Yes ,I ______there with my parents last year .

A. been to , have gone

B. been ,have been

C. been , went

D. gone ,went

试题分析:句意:你以前曾经去过那里吗?是的,我去年我和父母去的那里。have been there去过那里;据 last year ,I ______there with my parents last year要用一般过去时态,故选C。


18. You should __________ the new words that you don’t know to spell in the dictionary.

A look forB look up

C look down D look over

试题分析:句意:你应该在词典中查找这些你不知道拼写的生词。A look for找, B look up查找(在词典字典中), C look down往下看,D look over仔细检查。据题意,故选B。




  1. 何佳明2023-11-24 20:40何佳明[天津市网友]


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