

时间:2023-05-28 02:49:02




It"s very cold in the winter. 错误

It"s very cold in winter.正确

泛指冬天时,winter前面一般不加冠词。同样,“在春天”应说in spring,“在夏天”应说in summer,“在秋天”in autumn是 。有时四季前面有关系代词修饰或特定指示的对象时,也与定冠词连用。如:Fruit must be picked in the autumn. 必须在秋天摘水果。


Can you play the football? 错误

Can you play footballs? 错误

Can you play football? 正确

踢足球应说play footbal,这里football作“足球运动”解,是不可数名词,前面不用冠词,也不用复数形式。同样,“打篮球”应说play basketball,打排球应说play volleyball,打乒乓球应说play ping pong/table tennis


He"s ill in hospital. 错误

He"s ill in the hospital. 正确

in the hospital的意思是“在医院”,不一定是住院。如:He works in the hospital.他在医院工作。


In the Northwest, there will be snow in night.错误

In the Northwest, there will be snow in the night.正确

In the Northwest, there will be snow at night.正确

at night和 in the night是两个固定的习惯用语。不能写为in night,这两个短语都有“在夜里”的意思,一般可互换使用,at night指一天的部分时间(下午时至午夜),in the night指从天黑至天亮这一整段时间。另外,in the evening也有在晚上的意思,evening常指日落或下午6点左右到睡觉前的这段时间。


He is the doctor.错误

He is a doctor.正确

可数名词单数前如无修饰成分(物主代词,指示代词,数词等),应用不定冠词a或 an表示泛指,或加定冠词 the表示特定。


They are the teachers.错误

They are teachers.正确

复数名词表示一类人或事物(即表示泛指)时,前面不加定冠词the。又如Maggie likes bananas a lot.玛姬非常喜欢吃香蕉。


Don"t read in the bed, it"s bad for your eyes.错误

Don"t read on the bed, it"s bad for your eyes.错误

Don"t read in bed, it"s bad for your eyes.正确

in bed的意思是“躺着,睡着”,bed 在这里可以理解为抽象化的名词,不指具体的某一张床,因此前面不用限制词,也不用复数形式in(on) the bed的意思是“在床上”,是具体意义的某一张床。


I think I"ve had cold. / I think I"ve taken a cold.错误

I think I"ve caught cold / caught a cold / got a cold.正确

“患感冒”在英语中可以说catch / get (a) cold have a cold(a一定不可省去。但应注意的是,如cold前有形容词修饰时,不论cold与哪一个动词搭配,都要与冠词 a连用。She has caught a very bad cold.她患了重感冒。(此时冠词a不可省略)


They are twins. They look same.错误

They are twins. They look the same.正确

same不管作形容词还是代词,也不论same在句中作主语还是关系代词,若没有其他关系代词修饰,通常与定冠词 the连用。We like the same music, the same food, and the same books.我们喜欢同样的音乐,同样的食物和同样的书籍。


He"s not in the trouble, I hope.错误

He"s not in trouble, I hope.错误

I hope (that) he"s not in trouble.正确

in trouble的意思是“处于困难中”“处于困境中”。注意trouble前没有定冠词the


What"s matter with you, Grandma?错误

What"s wrong with you, Grandma?正确

What"s the matter with you, Grandma?正确

当matter作“麻烦事” “毛病”解时,常与定冠词the连用,表示“……怎么啦?”可以说:What"s the matter with...?也可以说:What"s wrong with...?


Sun is bigger than earth. 错误

A sun is bigger than an earth.错误

The sun is bigger than the earth.正确

世界上独一无二的事物,前面应加定冠词the又如:the moon(月亮)the sea(海洋),the land(陆地)


Third cake is best of all, but it"s too expensive.错误

The third cake is the best of all, but it"s too expensive.正确

序数词和形容词最高级前必须加定冠词the,不可省略。注意,副词最高级前the可以省去。Who jumped (the) farthest of all?谁跳得最远?


I want to buy half kilo of meat. 错误

I want to buy a half kilo of meat.正确

I want to buy half a kilo of meat.正确

半公斤”习惯上应说half a kilo但也可以说 a half kilo,half和名词连用时,一般结构为half+the/a(或其他限定词)+名词”如:Half the world’s telephone calls are made in English.世界上一半的电话是用英语打的。


He enjoys living in the Taiwan very much.错误

He enjoys living in Taiwan very much.正确



Shall we go by a bus? / Shall we go by the bus?错误

Shall we go by bus?正确

by bus在这里指乘(坐)交通工具,介词by的意思是“乘(车、船)”。注意by后面的名词用单数形式,名词前不用冠词。又如:by bike骑自行车,by plane坐飞机,但步行应用on foot。


She usually watches TV for half an hour after the supper.错误

She usually watches TV for half an hour after supper.正确

在一餐饭(表泛指时)前一般不用冠词。又如We have breakfast in the morning.我们在早晨吃早饭。但特指某顿饭或三餐名词前有关系代词修饰时,常用冠词。如:She quickly cooked the supper, and cleaned the house.她很快地做了晚饭,并打扫了房子。

After a quick breakfast, she hurried to school.她很快地吃完早饭后就急急忙忙去上学了。


It"s very a nice horse.错误

It"s a very nice horse.正确

It"s quite a nice horse.正确

It"s a quite nice horse.正确

“一匹相当好的马”可以说quite a nice horse也可以说a quite nice horse在口语中,前者较常用。但不可说very a nice horse,只能说 a very nice horse。

19."a number of" 和 " the number of "有什么区别?

a number of的意思是“许多” “若干”,后接可数名词的复数形式

the number of 的意思是“……的数量(数目)”,后接可数名词的复数形式

作主语时,be 动词用单数形式。试比较:

A number of students went to the park today. 许多学生都去了公园

The number of students in our class is fifty. 我们班的学生人数是50名。

20.序数词前常与定冠词 the连用,但有时也与不定冠词a(an) 连用,它们有什么区别?

序数词前用the 侧重顺序,序数词前用 a (an)不侧重顺序,表示“再一”“又一”的意思,例如:There’s a third boy. He’s very tall. 又有一个男孩(前面已出现两个男孩),他个子很高。

Mr. and Mrs. Shute had a daughter called Jane. Then they had a second child-a son.舒特夫妇有一个女儿叫珍。后来他们又有了一个孩子──儿子。

21. on the earth 和 on earth 有什么区别?

on the earth的意思是“在地球上” on earth 的意思是“在世上”,相当于in the world,另外on earth还可作“究竟” “到底” “全然”解,多用于疑问句,否定句或最高级后面加强语气。例如

That means that in about 600 years, there will only be standing room on the earth.


What on earth are you doing here?



1. Tomorrow is ____ Teacher"s Day and we"ll make ____ card for our

English teacher.

A. the; / B. /; the

C. a; the D. /; a

2. ____old lady in brown is ____university professor.

A. An; a B. An; /

C. The; an D. The; a

3. Mike eats ____ apple a day.

A. a B. an

C. the

4. Here"s ____ exercise book. Is it ____?

A. a; his B. an; her

C. a; mine D. an; yours

5. Tom is ____ boy. He is ____ American.

A. an; the B. a; an

C. the; an D. an; an

6. We had dinner at ____ very nice restaurant. Now I can"t remember

____ name.

A. a; a B. a; the

C. the; a D. the; an

7. There is ____ pencil on the desk.

A. a B. an

C. the D. /

8. Here is ____ basket. ____ mine.

A. a; It"s B. an; It"s

C. an; Its D. the; Its

9. This is ____ orange. It is ____ small one.

A. an; an B. / ; a

C. an; a D. / ; an

10. Tuesday is ____ third day of the week.

A. the B. a

C. / D. an

11. ____ Browns arrived there yesterday evening.

A. / B. A

C. The D. An

12. Did you enter for ____ high jump or ____ 4000-meter race?

A. a; a B. a; the

C. the; a D. the; the

13. There is ____ egg on the plate. ____ egg is for you.

A. a; A B. an; An

C. an; The D. the; An

14. -Is there ____ map of Taiwan on the wall?

-Yes, there is.

A. a B. an

C. the

15. -Have you had ____ lunch yet?

-No, not yet.

A. / B. a

C. the D. an

16. -What can you see by the lake?

-I can see ____ old man sitting on the chair.

A. a B. an

C. the D. /

17. There is a tall building in ____ west.

A. a B. an

C. the D. /

  1. 池年2023-12-13 03:10池年[北京市网友]
  2. 刘心语2023-09-04 14:59刘心语[湖南省网友]
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“你往旁边挪挪” 这个“挪挪”英文咋说?特别简单!



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