
经典至极的人生感悟句子 唯美走心 直抵心灵!



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Tears have been shed, thought has been divided, how many drunkenstate left to the people of the edge, the expression of their hearts,and the song is destined to accompany their own thoughts in the mind,writing their own past


Incense and drunk, feeling separated, this life together, theseparation of the afterlife, the running night cut off the miss ofthe art of seizing nature, characterization of the heart of tears.Because of this, the melody of the charm rotates, tears fall, dreamsgo, no one cares.


The weary hours open my heart, open my thoughts, and spread thesad past, but I have to sail to tomorrow. The position of the years,temporarily inclusive of my thin heart, but a lifetime can not staythe warmth, but belong to me.


Once red as a fire, it turned into an iceberg. His chest was fullof thought, but it flowed feebly. It"s charming and sweet, and itdyes the sky very deep. I don"t want to ask, how long the earth, howlong the universe, just let the silly love linger.


The night has been black, the flowers did not sleep, leaning onthe railings, thoughts spread, the piano scattered warm incensetable. Reading the affectionate words you left me, my missing heartis broken.


Maybe bitter, maybe sad, all kinds of missing into words, curledup in the withered petals, can not lose a trace of sadness.


What are you worried about? What are your tears? However, the windand the rain, the prosperity, the ideas spread, the water flows, theboats jump over, the other shore is on the other side.


With gentleness and a heart, my thoughts are filled with purple,with gentle smiles and cool breezes, softening the elegant fragrantflowers of my gentle years.


Time flies, stand in the branches of the season so, with a pureheart, looking at time, with indifferent brush and ink, one by one iswriting the sun and moon of black and white, quietly writing asection of scenery, such as the endless stream of time.


The four seasons of reincarnation, here I see another kind ofdelicacy. I wrote a book, let my heart become warm and drunk, into ameaningful warmth, hanging in the years of the eyebrow tip.


Let the winds of the past year spread freely through the seasonalbranches. No matter be green breeze, or the autumn moon with brightlights, I only enjoy the shallow quiet in the corner of time togetherwith a beautiful woman, read three thousand cold and warm flatly.


Flowers bloom with intention, flowers fade without a word.Mountains and rivers depend on each other, so no more love is needed,only one person is enough to warm the time.

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