
日常生活中走出的句子 骗子真是一种神奇的物种 可怜又可恨



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Being cheated because things are unfamiliar. If they are acquaintances, they may have some traces of guilt. If they are strangers, they may have some traces of guilt.


When the cheater was lifted the veil of hypocrisy, ugly face in the sun straight disgusting. I didn"t want to vomit, so I stayed away.


Cheaters are a wonderful species, pitiable and hateful.


Cheater is also a classification, cheating color is a level, cheating heart cheating life is a level.


Cheater is also a good man sometimes, after all, there is a thing to understand after experience, but this kind of good people are often disgusting, but the experience of being cheated for growth itself or beautiful existence. Even beauty is afraid that it will not grow or grow to be disgusting.


To think that a deceiver is sometimes a poor man, afraid not only of his own death, but of the night, and afraid even to stand in the sun, and tell his son aloud how hard it was for him to do his glorious deeds.


Have been more or less when the cheater, one sunny afternoon cheated the girl"s heart, finally betrayed her, so far have not dared to see her; Or the failure of a test, the failure to find a job, the delay of blind date, do their own relatives of the liar, even if can be forgiven also cheater.


What is a liar? It is the counterpart of lies and the opposite of honesty. There is no specific definition, but there is a clear concept in everyone"s mind, and it is not a concept set up by literati but a magical understanding extended by comparison and analogy.


How much money is not the greatest bad liar lied to or cheated on what other things but always weave a world like you imagine, in this world in your eyes beautiful is ugly, in our eyes when we appealed to, you not only don"t believe, even thought we live in a dream and end with a helpless from the corners of the mouth slowly spread to the whole body, in distress situation.

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