
读读醒悟人生的句子 犀利现实 句句受用


时光飞逝,光阴似箭,不要浪费,不要挥霍,抓紧了!岁月是贼,。不要回头,直到你失去它。Time flies, time flies, dont waste, dont squander,

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Time flies, time flies, don"t waste, don"t squander, hold on! Timeis a thief. Don"t look back until you lose it.


Over time, decay affects only the skin; Give up enthusiasm,decadence will lead to the soul.


You think is my doodle on the paper, in fact is the time in mybody doodle, I and the years together, enjoy, I and the years, I didnot mean to.


When you say goodbye, you are no longer you. All these years, withyour long hair, makeup and elegant conversation, you no longer looklike her. When you say goodbye, you are no longer you. In the pastyears, you wear red gauze, with Zhu Xia, the person on your pillow isshapely, he is not he.


Time is calm, years are safe. Layers of worry are not worth aperfunctory word. The warm wind is shallow, the clouds float away,wipe away the past days. Wrong. Don"t read.


People eventually grow up. Years peel amber skin, so that canresist the secular hard body cocoon and out, with harsh attitude tothe world to vent their strength and threatening youth.


I did not meet you in the most beautiful years, so that the restof the years will be filled with you.


As the mist swirls past, the air of dreams and youth evaporatesbeneath the pale grey rain clouds. In the years that followed, inkand paper were blown into the wide sky.


The magnificent piercing blue sky of youth. Not everyone gets thechance to stand at the crossroads again.


We push on, boats against the current, pushed back again and againuntil we are back in time.


Spring flowers, flowers fall autumn, years have long forgotten. Atthe end of the song, the flowers dropped down, leaving the old man"sold face empty.


Years such as song, tender feelings such as poetry, beautifuldream, hazy unreal, tea, bitter with sweet, wine, rich and bitter.

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