
一眼就难忘的忧伤句子 抚慰心灵 深沉而有意义


You are a world away from me, so far away 你是一个远离我的世界,如此遥远

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It"s no use forcing things that don"t belong to you, just like wearing shoes that are too small, it"s hard to look good.


You are a world away from me, so far away.


One day, look at others to think of you, and forget you by others. Everyone has a scar in his heart, which is the place where the sky once fell.


Happiness means that two people who love each other are together every day.


What is it like when a man is moved? He will be red-eyed for you, will think of a long future for you, will fight for your future, will rush to your side to hug you when you are uncomfortable, and will tell you warm words when you are helpless, which will make you feel like an idiot. He will worry about you and take care of you very carefully. If he can"t find you, he will be anxious. If you are sick and catch a cold, he will be anxious.


In this world, apart from parents, no one really treats you.


Flowers have been buried, but who knows what to pay for? The pain is faint, the sorrow is faint, and the memory is drifting away, turning into bits and pieces, which remain in the bloody cracks of the years. And the heart injury that will breathe, accompanied by a slowly blurred figure, faint residual breath. In the memory, the soft words of the past are bitter and sweet at the moment. Today, things are, but people are not.


Flowers bloom on the other side, but there is no shore. The soul is lost in Sichuan, but still in Sichuan. At the ferry crossing of the other shore, Acacia lingers at the fingertips. That one after another, the dying flowers with bloody colors are blooming all over the place, and the flowers are lingering strangely. An all-consuming love, Buddha said.


A good man is to sleep with a girl over and over again, and sleep for the rest of his life.


A person who dares to listen to the truth needs courage. It takes courage for a person to dare to tell the truth.


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