
英语教学:读精选外刊 学英文句型(8)



友情提示:本文共有 3902 个字,阅读大概需要 8 分钟。


1. 一个开头句型

下面句子节选自The Economist关于疫情对全球经济影响的文章Much of global commerce has ground to a halt

Even so, some firms will not make it. It is too early to say for sure who the corporate fatalities will be. To get a sense ofwhich are most at risk, liquidity and business model are a good place to start.


这里有一个值得留意的句式:To get a sense of…XX is a good place to start(要想了解……从XX开始会是一个很好的选择),to get a sense of…也经常用在开头句中用于引入话题,比如这个例子:

To get a sense ofwhy London has such expensive housing, visit Tottenham Hale. You might expect that, next to an Underground station where central London is accessible within 15 minutes, there would be plenty of houses. In fact, there is a car wash.



To get a sense of how the internet has changed people’s lives, online shopping and social media are a good place to start. Online shopping enables us to purchase goods and services in the comfort of our own home, and most of us rely on social media to connect with others.

2. 一个倒装句

下面句子选自The Economist对于意大利疫情的报道A gathering catastrophe

Nowhere is Italy’s race against time more dramatically evidentthan in Lombardy, the region around Milan and the one worst hit by the spread of covid-19.


句子还原后相当于 Italy’s race against time in nowhere is more dramatically evident than in Lombardy… 其中race against time是一个固定搭配,意思是“与时间赛跑,争分夺秒”。从这里可以学一个倒装句式:Nowhere is…than… 它通常用来强调某地或者某领域的突出特点,比如要表达“美国的枪支暴力问题比其他任何地方都严重”,可以说:

Nowhere is gun violence more of a problem than in the US.


Nowhere is the effect of government policy more apparent than in agriculture.

3. 对……有疑问

要表达“人们对某事有疑问”,可以说:there are doubts about something,也可以参考下面表达:

But there is a question mark overwhether this immunity will last. Other coronaviruses, which cause common cold symptoms, lead to a very weak immune response and people can catch the same bug multiple times in their lifetime.


Question mark字面意思是“问号”,这里引申为“疑问”,there is a question mark over…即“人们对……有疑问,人们对……不确定”,短语也可以写成a question mark hangs over something,例如:A question mark hangs over the future of the company. 该公司的前景如何还不得而知。

以标点符号引申出其它含义的搭配还有一个:in parenthesis,parenthesis是指“圆括号”,人们有时候会在句子中使用括号来补充一些信息,因此in parenthesis可以引申为“补充说一句,插一句”:


I would like to make it clear, in parenthesis, that I do not blame my parents for their point of view. There is an expiry date on blaming your parents for steering you in the wrong direction; the moment you are old enough to take the wheel, responsibility lies with you.


4. 一个举例句型

下面句子节选自The Economist关于企业管理与喜剧表演的文章What companies can learn from comedians

Companies fromMotorola and McDonald’s to Nike and Nissan believe that sending executives to comedy classes can help them get better at their day jobs.


作者在列举这些公司时用了一个句式:from A and B to C and D,这一句式在地道英文中经常出现,但目前还很少见到有同学能主动用好它。BBC之前在报道疫情对人们日常生活的影响时也用了这个表达:

The world is shutting down. Places that were once teeming with the hustle and bustle of daily life have become ghost-towns with massive restrictions put on our lives -from lockdowns and school closures to travel restrictionsand bans on mass gatherings.



The internet has penetrated every aspect of our life, fromwork and travel toeducation and entertainment.



(1) To get a sense of…XX is a good place to start

(2) Nowhere is…than…

(3) there is a question mark over…

(4) from A and B to C and D

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