
余生致自己优秀的句子 总有一句是为你而写!


If you are tired, close the curtains, turn off your cell phone, turn off the alarm clock, take a deep breath, empty yours

友情提示:本文共有 2568 个字,阅读大概需要 6 分钟。


If you are tired, close the curtains, turn off your cell phone, turn off the alarm clock, take a deep breath, empty yourself, get into bed and go to sleep. When you are tired, you always need more energy.

二、你啊 一定要明白 这是你生命中最好的年纪 身体健康 亲人安在 现世安稳 不要总因为一点小事心情就一团糟 有些情绪真的没必要 纯属庸人自扰 反正我们谁也别想活着从这个世界离开 所以笑一笑 只要死不了 其他又有什么大不了

You must understand that this is the best age in your life, your healthy relatives are safe and secure in this world, and don"t always feel a mess because of a little thing. Some emotions really don"t need to be disturbed by others. Anyway, none of us want to leave this world alive, so smile. As long as you can"t die, what"s the big deal?

三、好好吃饭 按时睡觉 不要抱怨 心怀善念 坚持做自己喜欢的做的事 用心感受生活的每一个细节 沉淀 再沉淀 因为你要成为一个温柔而强大的人

Eat well, sleep on time, don"t complain, be kind, insist on doing what you like, and feel every detail of life with your heart, because you have to be a gentle and powerful person

四、希望一直如少年 干净纯粹心安 看透不美好却相信美好 见过不善良却依旧善良

Hope has always been as clean and pure as a teenager"s mind, seeing through the bad but believing in the good, seeing the bad but still being good.

五、每个年龄的烦恼 都会在哪个年龄的地方 安静的等你从不缺席

At which age will worries of every age quietly wait for you to never give up

六、你一辈子会遇到很多说离不开你的人 但只有极少数会在你离开后 竭斯底里忘记自尊求你回来 那种才是不能离开你的人

In your whole life, you will meet many people who say they cannot leave you, but only a few people will forget their self-esteem after you leave, and ask you to come back. That is the kind of person who cannot leave you.

七、你应该去喜欢那些 能让你觉得自己很美好 由衷感到温暖的人 而不是让你卑微到尘埃 觉得自己很没用的人

You should like people who make you feel good and warm from the bottom of your heart, not people who make you feel so humble and dusty that you feel useless

八、去交会让你开心的朋友 去爱不会让你流泪的人 去向自己想去的方向 去完成不论大小的梦想 生活应该是美好而又温柔的 你也是

To meet friends who make you happy, to love people who won"t make you cry, to go in the direction you want to go, to fulfill dreams, big or small, life should be beautiful and gentle, so should you

九、所有回不去的良辰美景 都是举世无双的好时光 感谢过去,珍惜现在,憧憬未来 哭给自己听,笑给别人看 这就是所谓的人生

All the beautiful moments and moments that cannot be returned are the best in the world. Thank the past, cherish the present, look forward to the future, cry to yourself, laugh to others. This is what life is called.

十、这个世界真正治愈自己的只有自己 生活是自己的 尽情打扮尽情可爱

The only thing that really heals the world is its own life, its own dressing up and being lovable.


The world really cures itself only by itself.


I like to be unrestrained and do my own thing at my own pace.

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你不是不会写爆文 你只是没有学会带读者进入“共嗨式”情感体验

你不是不会写爆文 你只是没有学会带读者进入“共嗨式”情感体验


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