
十个祝愿祖国母亲永远昌盛的句子 句句实话 句句肺腑之言



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I am a descendant of the Yellow Emperor. My family teaches China. My home has a history of more than 5,000 years. My mother has cultivated countless heroes and children. As a member of the family, I feel very honored and very proud. Mother, I love you, I wish mother you a long life!


My motherland has an area of 9.6 million square kilometers. We have 1.4 billion brothers and sisters. We are united for the prosperity of the motherland and for the Chinese dream of the motherland. We have united and twisted into a rope. Became a backbone, no matter what setbacks and difficulties encountered, we are unstoppable.


My country has a thousand years of snow on Mount Qomolangma.There is the magnificent yellow river, we have the mighty flow of the Yangtze River water. There are dragons and tigers, the Great Wall is solid, and we have a thousand-year-old templeThere is also the Loess Plateau, and there is Xishuangbanna with lush vegetation. There is also an endless North China Plain, as well as the Xiaoxing"an Mountains, which is known as the virgin forest. We have a vast prairie. And a blue ocean that can"t be seen.There are countless green mountains and rivers and rivers, in this land of China, we from poverty to wealth. From the ups and downs to the tempering, finally cast today"s motherland. Now the motherland is obvious to all, tomorrow"s glory or belong to you and my motherland!


Our homeland, our motherland, every piece of our land, every monk, is the need for each of us Chinese people should use blood to defend.


Friends are coming, we have good wine. Here comes the firewood wolf. All we"re waiting for is a shotgun. If there is an enemy, I believe that every Chinese son and daughter will swear to defend their Homeland Your own motherland, let the enemy have no return, let them pay the price of life.


As a Chinese, as a Chinese son and daughter, if the motherland needs me one day, I will give everything I have. Even give my life.


Whenever I listen to the national anthem, no matter when, I can"t forget it for a long time. Whenever the weather is the national anthem, I am full of passion and full of motivation. Motherland, I am proud of you, motherland, I am proud of you! The splendid cultural knowledge of the Chinese nation is integrated into the long river of history, but it is always in my heart. With a long history, the traditional virtue is that every Chinese will never forget.


Let us always remember those for the prosperity of the motherland, for the growth of the motherland. These lovely and respectable people, for the motherland, for the people, give their lives, for the motherland, they worked hard, dedicated their life"s hard work and youth to this land, let us remember that these have been dedicated to the motherland life. The predecessors who have limited blood. Without your blood and your lives. There would be no us today.


The progress and development of the motherland is obvious to all, and the mother of the motherland has already stood up! The Chinese people have created the future with their own intelligence and intelligence, and made indelible contributions to human civilization. This is the power of unity, this is the power of 1.4 billion brothers and sisters together.


We firmly believe that under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee, the motherland will be more prosperous, and the industrious and brave Chinese people will become more and more happy. The days are getting more and more prosperous, long live the mother of the motherland!


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