


1 If you have too many daydreams, you will inevitably have insomnia at night 二、啊,秋天的夜晚,宁静而安详2 Ah, autumn night, quiet and serene三、啊!这样的夜晚真是太美了

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(1) If you have too many daydreams, you will inevitably have insomnia at night.


(2) Ah, autumn night, quiet and serene


(3) , ah! It"s a beautiful night.


(4) I always spend my nights in the fields in mid summer


(5) During the day, military training is bitter, and singing is happy at night


(6) With the tranquility of the night, I came to Lugu Lake alone


(7) If you have a dream in the day, you have a dream at night


(8) Laugh heartlessly during the day and cry heartlessly at night.


(9) , ah! What an interesting night!


(10) If you have a dream in the day, you have a dream at night.


(11) In addition to the lotus, I also indulge in summer nights


(12) After and sadness, we ushered in the most lively night of this activity


(13) Slide the nib and bring me back to that quiet night.


(14) We can"t see it during the day, but we miss it at night


(15) The night of quarrel, I can"t sleep without your good night.


(16) People who pretend to be happy during the day begin to rot at night.


(17) Oh, the symphony of this night is really amazing!


(18) On the night of the Spring Festival, there are fire trees and silver flowers everywhere.


(19) No, let me get drunk for a while, night.


(20) , regardless of the cold wind, regardless of the night, are guarding by our side


(21) It seems that only fireworks are the protagonists on the night of the Spring Festival


(22) Daydream during the day and eat goods at night


(23) I never thought I was afraid of the dark at night.


(24) Insects chirp, setting off the tranquility of the night


(25) Carola by day, Carola by night


(26) On the night of early summer, I discussed buying shoes with my father at home


(27) Dad, listen to me on this cold night


(28) No matter how dark the night is, dawn will always come.


(29) Spring night, quiet and romantic, has become the best ornament


(30) The rain in early autumn comes and disappears at night.


(31) Spring night is very charming and beautiful


(32) One night in early summer, as usual, the moonlight was like water


(33) Others like sunny day, but I like night


(34) Soon after, the night ended amid the noise of gongs and drums


(35) The sun during the day, the moon at night, the rainbow after the rain,


(36) Stay up late at night and immerse yourself in your own world


(37) I remember that on a cold night, I angered my mother


(38) The day passed and it was a dark night.


(39) In the night of the city, the lights are bright at the beginning


(40) No, let me get drunk for a while, night


(41) The hurried night left and a new day began


(42) The transition between day and night was so brilliant


(43) Father always likes to write work reports in quiet nights.


(44) On the night of August 15, my mother and I went to the West Lake to enjoy the beautiful scenery


(45) At this time, the night makes me immersed in a piece of thinking


(46) The day makes me proud and happy, and the night makes me fear and hate


(47) It is clear during the day and hazy at night


(48) No matter how dark the night is, dawn will always come


(49) The rain of early autumn comes and disappears at night


(50) On a quiet night, the autumn wind outside the window is bleak, and the house is as warm as spring


51. Leave the memories for tomorrow and the lonely night alone.


From then on, I was afraid of the night and thunderstorm


53. Once I liked to hide in the dark corner at night


I wonder how long the road is on such a quiet night


It is not difficult to imagine how beautiful the city will be when night comes


(56) ah, what a wonderful night, our family walked the moon


(57) with the footsteps of the wind, night came


58. The night outside the window has always been so quiet


(59) the night in the city is not pleasant, but it won"t be annoying


(60) it was a night full of joy, so it broke up unhappily


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