
触动人心的唯句子:时间淡化了色彩 脚步是对青春最好的诠释


How many floating flotsam through the curtain of misty rain,falling on the lonely branches, halfhidden; How many old faces,lo

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How many floating flotsam through the curtain of misty rain,falling on the lonely branches, half-hidden; How many old faces,looking at each other in the rolling world of mortals, tears pouringdown, leaving a song, only to get a world of mortals.


It"s past the budding season, it"s supposed to be the time of calmbut the sad times are so unforgettable. A slight disturbance createsa ripple that washes away the waves. Clearly know the distance oftime and space, clearly know the distance of the heart, clearly knowthe passage of flowers, but as if nothing has happened to look back,Lu Yu has passed, the environment has moved, leaving only emptinessand loneliness.


The moon misses a few times, the seasons cycle a few times, thefigure turns a few times, the eyes look back a few times. It hasgrown old, decayed and lost its past.


Deep sigh stranded, gentle feeling low to bloom. In the fleetingtime, youth eventually became a dry figure, with a sigh to guard anunable to let go of the persistent. Who would be sad?


Youth is the color of the wind. The ups and downs of the yearsrecord the circulation of time, four seasons reincarnation. In thecontext of memory, Jean Zou always recalls everyone, miss the past.Flowers bloom and fall, the ebb and flow of the tide, are clearlyvisible.


Under the fate of the sky, youth touched the melancholy ofparting, the river bank of years filled with the sadness of youth.The tears stored in memory are the traces of time passing, shatteringthe pain that is engraved on my heart. We can never go back.


Time diluted the original color, the footsteps of youth is thebest interpretation of youth.


Time is a reversal and reincarnation, is countless prosperity andlove sentimentally attached. In the endless love, there is a sadness.If life could be reincarnated, would time go back?


I will use a lifetime to wait for an ending of the commitment andfairy tale, waiting for a prodigal son who never looks back.

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