
不执拍手 free hand英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-31 13:13:59



不执拍手,free hand

1)free hand不执拍手

1.In this paper,the function offree hand in table tennis is studied.文章对乒乓球运动中不执拍手的作用进行了研究,提出在乒乓球运动中不执拍手的作用是非常重要的,并对不执拍手在发球、维持身体平衡、运动整体性和参与击球中的作用进行了分析探讨。

2)the arm not holding the bat不执拍手臂

1.The article is to analyse the swaying actions ofthe arm not holding the bat in the technology of push and pull in Pingpong by using the principles of biomechanics and anthropotomy,and elaborate the significance in enhancing the swaying speed of forehand and backhand which is caused by the correct swaying ofthe arm not holding the bat in Ping-Pong.运用生物力学、人体解剖学对乒乓球拉攻球技术中不执拍手臂的摆动动作加以分析,阐明不执拍手臂的正确摆动在提高正反手摆速中的重要意义。

3)clap one"s hands拍手


1.The act or sound of clapping the hands.拍手声拍手的动作或声音

2.She sang and at the same time we clapped out a regular time.她唱歌,而我们同时拍手打拍子。

3.The nursery teacher clapped her hands to attract the children" s attention.幼儿园的教师拍拍手,要孩子们注意。

不执拍手 free hand英语短句 例句大全

4.Mrs. Wang clapped her hands and said, "Ah ha!汪太太拍手道:“好了,好了!

5.I often clap my hands in joy.我常在高兴时拍手。

6.Ku clapped his hands and said, "Hasn"t it, though?顾先生拍手道:“可不是么?

7.Green, tender leaves at Clear and Bright,The girls who tend silkworms Clap hands at the sight!“清明削口,看蚕娘娘拍手

8.Ask your friend to clap his hands. Cover your ears. Can you hear your friend clapping?请你的朋友拍拍手,捂住你的耳朵,你能听到你朋友的拍手声吗?

9.Clap your hands and stamp your feet.拍拍你的手跺跺你的脚。

10.a backhand shot made holding the racquet in both hands.双手握拍进行反手回击。

11.The victorious players clapped each other on the back.获胜的选手们互相拍了拍背。

12.She patted a place next to her for me to sit down.她用手拍了拍旁边的地方叫我坐下。

13.Ma Lin was stable, exact and ruthless in her ambitions and every move she directed at her opponent was with fatal intent.马琳的抽杀稳准狠, 拍拍置对手于死地。

14.Move your arms, Mowgli. Clap your hands, Goofy.动动你的胳膊,无忌。拍拍你的手,高飞。

15.Mary: If you believe, clap your hands.玛莉亚:如果相信,那就拍拍你的手。

16.With a reassuring pat on her arm, he left.他鼓励地拍了拍她的手臂就离开了。

17.The gray-beard swept out an arm to clap Shemsen on the shoulder.灰胡子腾出一只手,拍了拍舍姆森的肩。

18.He slapped with the palm of his hand on the table.他用手掌拍击桌子。


the arm not holding the bat不执拍手臂

1.The article is to analyse the swaying actions ofthe arm not holding the bat in the technology of push and pull in Pingpong by using the principles of biomechanics and anthropotomy,and elaborate the significance in enhancing the swaying speed of forehand and backhand which is caused by the correct swaying ofthe arm not holding the bat in Ping-Pong.运用生物力学、人体解剖学对乒乓球拉攻球技术中不执拍手臂的摆动动作加以分析,阐明不执拍手臂的正确摆动在提高正反手摆速中的重要意义。

3)clap one"s hands拍手

4)executed circles执行拍数

5)enforcing auctions执行拍卖

6)You have hands. Clap them.你有手。拍拍手。



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