
学生创业 Student Entrepreneurship英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-23 02:59:10


学生创业,Student Entrepreneurship

1)Student Entrepreneurship学生创业


1.Nurturing Entrepreneurial Personalities and Abilities among Vocational College Students;高职学生创业人格与创业能力培养谈

2.Advocating Pioneering Work Education and Opening Pioneering Work Practice;倡导创业教育 开展大学生创业实践

3.A Study on the Effects of Entrepreneurial Education on Entrepreneurial Intention of College Student创业教育内容对学生创业意愿的影响

4.The Study of Entrepreneurial Intention and Requirement for Entrepreneurial Education of College Students大学生创业倾向和创业教育需求研究

5.Thought and Suggestion on entrepreneurship education and Building up Students Entrepreneurship Base in Higher Vocational College高职院校创业教育暨创办大学生创业基地探究

6.A Study of the Impact of Enterprise Education on Entrepreneurial Intention of College Student大学创业教育对学生创业意愿的影响研究

7.The Constructing on the College Students Desire of Pioneering Work and the College Environment of Pioneering Work大学生创业意愿与学校创业环境的营造

8.Perceived Value of Entrepreneurship and Its Impact on University Students Entrepreneurial Intention;基于感知创业价值的大学生创业意愿形成研究

9.The Research to the System Construction of Enterprising and Career-establishing Education;试论大学生创业及创业教育服务体系的构建

10.A Research on Enterprise Education Based on the Enterprise Techniques;基于创业技能为核心的大学生创业教育研究

11.Investigation and Analyzation on College Students’ Entrepreneurship Awareness and Current Situation;在校大学生创业意识及创业情况调查分析

12.Implementing Enterprise Education and Constructing the Pattern of Cultivating Enterprise Talents among University Students;开展创业教育,构建大学生创业人才培养模式

13.A Consideration on the Spirit of Starting an Undertaking and Fostering the Ability;对高职学生创业态度与创业能力培养的思考

14.On the training of entrepreneurial awareness and entrepreneurship of students in professional-technology college浅谈高职学生创业意识与创业精神的培养

15.The Study of Comprehensive Evaluation Model of Entrepreneurial Team Entrepreneurial Capacity in Student Business Plan Competition大学生创业大赛中创业团队创业能力综合评价模型研究

16.On Entrepreneurship Education Based on the Employment of University Students Perspective;基于就业视角的大学生创业教育研究

17.The Construction of an Education Platform for Innovation and Business-start to Improve University Students Ability;构建创新创业平台 提高大学生创新创业能力

18.SME Innovation Management and University Student s Pioneering Concept;中小企业创新管理与大学生的创业观


college students大学生创业

1.In our countrycollege students starting an understanding belongs to seedtime, in order to developcollege students starting an undertaking,this article expounds and analyzes many problemscollege students have in starting an undertaking.大学生创业在我国目前尚属起步和发展阶段,为使大学生创业健康发展,文章在阐述大学生创业存在种种不足的基础上,对大学生创业中存在的不足进行了理性分析,提出解决大学生创业存在问题的措施。

3)student entrepreneurs学生创业者

4)Students start their own business大学生创业

1.The college students start their own business in China has experienced more than 20 years,its models have been enriched,each model his its own characteristics,has the bottle-neck constraints of the entrepreneurial"s thinking,background,ability and something else.我国大学生创业经历了20多年的发展历程,创业模式也在不断地丰富,每种创业模式形成了各自的特点,但创业模式存在着创业主体思维、背景、能力等方面的制约因素。

5)the students" enterprise garden学生创业园

6)graduates employment and craving out大学生创业就业



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