
失落分手的伤感文案 充满无奈 适合在朋友圈里!


如果我不喜欢,百万富翁我也不嫁。如果我喜欢,千万富翁也嫁。If I didnt like it, I wouldnt marry a millionaire If I like it, Ill mar

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If I didn"t like it, I wouldn"t marry a millionaire.If I like it, I"ll marry a multimillionaire.


Meet the right person later, so that when we are mature enough, there will be no inexplicable separation.


How many people in the name of love a song, to miss a person, to nostalgia for a good time has long gone.

爱神奏出无声旋律,远比乐器奏出的悦耳动听。——托· 布朗

The silent melody of love is far more pleasing than that of an instrument.-- Tor Brown


You still haven"t done what you promised me.


Well, I"d like to know, where did you buy the sweet gourd you ate


I like you more than I planned.


I don"t allow you to shout with me, save it, throat pain?Shout bad I still feel distressed!


The most disgusting is the fresh feeling after the perfunctory, and that I did not change.


You have asked me not to leave, turned into obstacles, waiting for the final blank.


The sky began to clear, the breeze across, so soft, like every time you kiss my cheek, I smiled, just because I thought of you.


"Have you put on weight lately?"

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