
看一眼就感同身受的文案 简单治愈 一见倾心


I used to want to fight swords, now I just want to brush my teeth with you 雨中的故事,听起来总有一种伤悲,读起来总有一种美

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I used to want to fight swords, now I just want to brush my teeth with you.


Rain in the story, sounds always have a sad, read always have a kind of beauty.


Say a lot of love words to you, but all you get is "please add them as friends first if they have enabled friend verification".


Life is like a multiple choice question. It is the choices that confuse you, not the question itself.


"Hello, is anyone here?""Someone.""Excuse me, say that finish, I silently withdraw the hand pointing at your heart."


I"m sure you"re busy so just read the first three words.


Love you is a flash in the pan, you love me is a greed.


You are willing to love a person to love the dust, but no one loves you in the dust.


"Are you being pursued?""Hello, my name is No."


Sometimes.We both said nothing, just a quiet hug.


It"s often said that you will have the same life as the person you find. Therefore, different choices make different endings.


Learn to appreciate others from the inside, even if it"s hard.

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