
长大变优秀的励志文案 干净上进 优质到让你心动!


一、成绩不好别灰心 什么鸡汤都不用听 你要悄悄拔尖 然后惊艳所有人 又不是没有打过逆风局 Bad grades Dont lose heart You dont have to

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一、成绩不好别灰心 什么鸡汤都不用听 你要悄悄拔尖 然后惊艳所有人 又不是没有打过逆风局.

Bad grades. Don"t lose heart. You don"t have to listen to any chicken soup. You have to quietly pull out the top and then be amazing. It"s not like everyone hasn"t played against the wind.

二、你一定要有自己的原创 忠于自己 活得像自己 不要因为迁就别人而委屈自己.

You must have your own originality, be loyal to yourself, live like yourself, and do not compromise yourself by accommodating others.

三、相信人生不会亏待你 你吃得苦 受过的累 你掉进的坑 你走错的路 都会练就独一无二成熟坚强感恩的你.

I believe that life will not treat you badly. You have suffered and suffered. You fall into the pit. The wrong way you go will practice you. You are unique, mature and grateful.

四、熬得住就出众 熬不住就出局 你的野心很大 所以没资格停下.

You are too ambitious to stop.


It is a great thing to crush people you hate with scores.

六、真正有气质的淑女、从不炫耀她所拥有的一切 她不告诉人她读过什么书,去过什么地方 有多少件衣服、买过什么珠宝,因为她没有自卑感.

A truly temperamental lady never shows off everything she has. She doesn"t tell people what books she has read, how many clothes she has been to, what jewelry she has bought, because she has no inferiority.


And look at the gaze of others like a ghost fire, boldly go your night path.

八、 难熬的日子总会过去,不信你回头看看,你都已经在不知不觉中熬过了多少苦难.

Difficult days will always pass, do not believe you look back, you have been unwittingly through the number of suffering.

九、努力把日子都填满 别让孤独把你包围 请善待珍惜自己 给自己一个坚强的理由 生活中没有过不去的坎

Try to fill up the days and don"t let loneliness surround you. Please treat yourself kindly and cherish yourself. Give yourself a strong reason. There are no obstacles in life.


And look at the gaze of others like a ghost fire, boldly go your night path.

十一、你要学着无论遇到什么事情 新喜悲伤或者濒临崩溃都能够 不动声色自己处理事情 自己辨别对错好好成长

You have to learn to be able to deal with things by yourself, to distinguish between right and wrong, and to grow up well, no matter what you meet, whether you are happy or sad or on the verge of collapse.


People always say that time will change everything, but in fact everything needs your own efforts to change


The days have to go day by day, and the books have to be read page by page.


Don"t complain when you encounter difficulties. Since you can"t change the past, try to change the future.


The future will gradually become clear, and all that needs to be done is to make great strides forward. This is a process of accumulation.


All setbacks and pains in life and all experiences are to train you.

十七、如果自己不想积极认真的生活 不管得到怎么样的回答都没有用

If you don"t want to live an active and serious life, no matter what kind of answer you get, it is useless.

十八、努力把日子都填满别让孤独把你包围 请善待珍惜自己给自己一个坚强的理由生活中没有什么过不去的坎

Try to fill the days don"t let loneliness surround you, please be kind and cherish yourself and give yourself a strong reason. There is nothing wrong with life

十九、我什么都没有 能给你的只是些残山剩水的热情 你呢 别叙旧也别说话

I have nothing to give you but the enthusiasm of the mountains and the water. Don"t catch up and don"t talk

二十、每个人的人生里 都会遇到一场措手不及的大雨 若你身陷雨中愿有人为你撑伞 如果没有也愿你有听雨的心情

Everyone"s life will encounter an unexpected heavy rain. If you are caught in the rain, someone will hold an umbrella for you. If not, you will also be in a mood to listen to the rain.

二十一、斯人若彩虹,遇上方知有 有趣的灵魂摆渡会相遇 在此之前请先成为更好的自己

If you are a rainbow, you will know that there is an interesting soul ferry meeting. Please be a better self before you meet

二十二、愿你的世界星光满载初心不止 走过汹涌的人潮和经历生活的磨难 所托良人

May the starlight of your world fill your heart with more than the surging crowds and tribulations of life.

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