
适合置顶的心情文案 懂你不易 温情又有含义!


Its not because you are not strong enough that you dont need comfort Only because of the lack of comfort, just had to be

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If I lose you, I win the world.


It"s not because you are not strong enough that you don"t need comfort.Only because of the lack of comfort, just had to be strong.


"Will you shut up?" "I"m not talking." "Then why can"t I stop thinking about your voice?"


As if I never met you, never appeared.


If love, hand in hand to the old;If not, protect you well.


In time, we can leave nothing.Including pain, pleasure, and life.


Although you are delicate and petite and speak softly, you are very powerful, which is a real spiritual beauty!


I remember you being the only person I talked to


What is life without love?Is the night without dawn.- burns


I do not know what time after the beginning, I have learned to rely on.


When your indifference is more than my heart can bear.Then my heart goes out to you and I go.


I don"t need you to let me live in a big house right now, but you have to agree to work with me for a nice home of 50 or 60 square meters that belongs to us.

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