
适合置顶的心情文案 深情至极 充满正能量



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No white day, dark night, I can see my face. A clean child has no despair and looks up at the sky because it is broken.


Thinking about my own retreat, thinking about my cowardice and failure, I never know what I am living for. Looking at their desperate eyes, I feel so guilty and tired!


The saddest distance in the world is that two people were originally far away and didn"t know each other, but suddenly one day, they met and fell in love, and the distance became very close. Then one day, they stopped falling in love, and the two people who were close to each other became far away, even farther away than before.


There are only so many places around a person, and there is only so much you can give. In this narrow circle, some people want to come in and some people have to leave.


The most powerful viruses are love and lies. We are afraid of the years, but we don"t know how gratifying it is to live. We think that survival is boring, but many people are struggling between life and death. When will we be grateful for everything we have? Forget the years, forget the pain, forget your bad, we will never say goodbye.


Good time is not too much, so what about a minute? It"s not too much to spend with you.


That kind of loneliness that goes deep into the bone marrow, with filar silk sadness, sneaks into the bottom of my heart. Ying ying drops gently, just like falling on the scabbed internet, trying to break free desperately, but getting tighter and tighter.


I admire such women, who are independent and proud. When you are in love, give wholeheartedly and trust unswervingly. When disappointed, leave decisively and cut off all connections.


Is it only lonely people who secretly grieve the past and quietly melancholy the future at every noisy time?


Without expectation, you will not be disappointed; Without commitment, there will be no harm. If people can live without desires and desires, there is nothing to hurt themselves. Longitudinal realm is hard to find, at least also let oneself more rational. After all, there are not many people in the world who can be really good to themselves. Therefore, never pin your love on others, or sooner or later, you will not even be qualified for heartache.


I"m not as complicated as you think, I just like you, so the wind and rain are close to you across the Qian Shan, so don"t cherish it, just because other people put down their hands when they hold tight, at least I want you to argue for me for two or three sentences, and I don"t deny that I have stories, but all the stories are for you.


Happiness is a very simple thing when I was a child, and simplicity is a very happy thing when I grow up.


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