
在内心委屈时看的治愈文案 深情浪漫 字字入心



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Waiting is sometimes a torment. Is it to hone my mind? Calm down and see if you can calm down and summon up courage. No matter how big the hurdle is, please let yourself go bravely.


I"m waiting for someone, I"m not sure how long I have to wait, and I don"t know how she will come. But I am sure that in the boundless wilderness of time, we will not be one step earlier or one step later and just meet each other. I believe that at that time, we will be able to recognize each other with one eye among thousands of people.


I thought it would move you to accompany you and wait for you to comfort you when you were sad.


Waiting, it doesn"t belong to me, and I spent the New Year by myself again.


On the day of the end of the world, the sun died. Sunflower said it would continue to wait for its sun.


Looking for some topics, I suddenly feel that everyone is a parallel line with no intersection, which starts from noisy to quiet and then waits for concern in quiet.


Like a piece of white snow, at first glance there is nothing. But there is infinite vitality in it, waiting for spring. This is the most cherished place as a teenager.


Let me ask you something. Can you live without me? Waiting for the delayed reply!


I don"t like waiting, I"m not used to waiting, but who is waiting for me in the past.


I"m covered in shortcomings, just to wait for someone who can accommodate me.


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