
英语An apple a day keeps the doctor away是什么意思?


先复习D10: All that glitters is not gold是什么意思?见到All that glitters is not gold能说多少英语?Now,what does it mean when p

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D11.An apple a day keeps the doctor away的英语口语训练

英语An apple a day keeps the doctor away是什么意思?


先复习D10: All that glitters is not gold是什么意思?

见到All that glitters is not gold能“说”多少英语?

Now,what does it mean when people say:An apple a day keeps the doctor away?


1. Okay.I got you.If you say:An apple a day keeps the doctor away,you mean/it means: If we eat an apple a day,we will keep ourselves healthy.

2. Okay.I got you.If you say:An apple a day keeps the doctor away,you mean/it means: If we eat a lot of healthy foods,like a lot of fruits and vegetables,and keep awsy from junk foods,or a lot of meat, we will keep us from getting sick ,so we have no need to see a doctor.

Example: Switch from chips=Change from chips to apples for your snack. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.


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