
很细腻充满现实的伤感文案 阳光积极 值得收藏


I remember I used to show you off to others, but now you are my taboo 我的生活中不能少了你,未来好不好都不重要

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(Don"t make us a serious public account)


I remember I used to show you off to others, but now you are my taboo.


I can"t live without you. It doesn"t matter what the future holds.


Not born to love lonely, just more than others, even if the world"s handsome boys give me, I still have nothing.


A woman should keep her body as jade, because one day you will wear a wedding dress to marry the most beautiful you and the person you love most.


You have not been loved with all his/her being, you will cherish the people who love you in the future.


If someone hugs me at this time, I will definitely cry, if not, I will hold on a little longer.


Sincerity, the other half of the word "cheng" is success.


I don"t allow you to be jealous, joking, I am so single-minded, if I look at another girl in front of you, I will chop myself.


You will never meet anyone who loves you so much, and I will never love anyone so much again.


If you can remember me, so does the world forget me.


Many people say that marriage is the tomb of love, but love can be buried in peace, than the street is much better.

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