
高质量的告白文案 满是爱意 美好的向往


所以男孩一定不要辜负女孩,因为女孩为你放弃了整个天堂!Every girl was an angel without tears, when she met the boy she liked, she

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Every girl was an angel without tears, when she met the boy she liked, she would cry -- and then she became mortal.So the boy must not disappoint the girl, because the girl gave up the whole heaven for you!


Sometimes, letting go is not because you can"t hold on, it is because you find some things are not meant to be.


A tragedy has just been played out on the other side of perfection, and all the blood and tears in the withered brambles have produced a bud, which will undergo the cycle of seven thunderstorms, and then bloom in the humid air.


I have loved, laughed, been mad and hated here.Wound opened, life delivered, tears left in the end, or to leave it alone.


Loving you is absurd.You didn"t feel it and I was hurt.


A lot of things that we think we will never forget, as we never forget the day, we were forgotten.


If you have someone to chat with every day, you are happier than most people.


Don"t think the Cinderella story is so good, if the glass slipper really fit, it would not have fallen.


After you left, I got really sick, and it hurt so much that I couldn"t live, and then I came back, but I forgot myself.


At some point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart, but not in your life.The world is just a thin encounter, some people can not be together, but their hearts together;Some people surface together, but the heart can not be together;Some people never want to be together, but naturally together;Some people go through a lot of trouble to get together, only to find out they"re not right for each other.


If I can go back to the past, I will choose not to know you, not I regret, is THAT I can not face the end of the present.Happiness can come slowly, I can wait patiently, as long as it is true.May this life, I are such as a quietly elegant lotus, graceful and meticulous, leisurely blossom, no license no request, reincarnation static.


Maybe you already don"t love me, but you came into my heart, how can not put you.


A window thoughts slowly flowing, refers to the nostalgic gently spread out, with the smoke winding drift, the folding folding folding worries, like a warm wind gently in my arms, in my dim eyes, gradually clear, warm, in the author"s years, for I forget to say a bit tired after, in the lonely time, caress you faint sad.


What is the coming days long, has always been three days, people walk tea cool.

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