
失落分手的伤感文案 温柔而文雅 治愈心灵!



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No matter how much you tell people you don"t know, it"s nonsense. If you are someone who is destined for you, your presence can awaken all his feelings.


The real disappointment is not scolding, crying, losing my temper with you, but what you have done has nothing to do with me.


Without such a person, you have repeatedly said that you want to give up, but you still can"t bear it after all.


How can I forget the sea-like past? When my life is over, the pillars have fallen, facing each other and helping each other. The bleak evening breeze blows my heart everywhere, but I can"t afford it. The road is unfinished, but my heart has reached the ends of the earth, and the fog in my eyes is your reflection.


How many people lost to loneliness in front of love, and how many people lost to sex in front of loneliness?


I came to this world naked, and I fell in love with it naively. When I know the truth, don"t blame me for being too cold. You got me into endless sin. I came to this world naked because you gave me money and status, but at the same time you put me on the edge of humanity. When love becomes so humble in front of reality, I beg you not to let me know the true meaning of compassion, because I am afraid I will regret it.


Great warmth; You said you were tired, but he didn"t give you a shoulder, but put down everything in his hand to accompany you and give you enough comfort. You are as stupid as the person you love. Your other half, what kind of behavior is stupid enough for you?


We may try to be ourselves all our lives, but in the end we may be nothing, but we lost our original selves.


When you find that what you have now is far better than what you have lost, you will know that all the struggle is worth it!


You have to try something you dare not do. You have to be crazy to know what you really want. Dream as a horse, only action can overcome all uneasiness.

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