
温馨的情绪短句 温柔而文雅 护你天真


You dont have to be good, I like you, I am not very good, you do not abandon good 请给我一点阳光,空气,水和一点点触手可及的爱

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You don"t have to be good, I like you, I am not very good, you do not abandon good.


Please give me a little sunshine, air, water and a little love within reach.


Promise, you gave me a lot, but why did not achieve a.


Without you, my sky is missing a piece of color;Without you, my world more than a kind of missing.


Love you for life with you, your heart beat only I can hear.


I continue to deny their own, and certainly their own, I continue to grow.I hope, this time I can take everything, can take care of your heart.


If the result is to die alone, whether you can be consistent.


Put down what should be put down you quit the end of the play...


I don"t like this world, I only like you, like to have your world.


Don"t think you can not let go of the people also can not let go of you?


After knowing you, I found myself can be so willing to pay.


Dream not much, sugar in your pocket, ink in your belly, live in your hand, money in your card, and you in the future.

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