
充满失落的伤心小短句 温柔又含蓄 句句虐心!


Find someone you like and go on a trip with them 没有你的日子,我就像水里的金鱼,除了水和你,谁都看不到我的眼泪

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Find someone you like and go on a trip with them.


Without your day, I like a goldfish in the water, in addition to water and you, who can not see my tears.


My head says I should let go, my heart says I should wait.


I only love you this romantic.


Karen Mok"s cloudy day, Stefanie Sun"s rainy day and Jay Chou"s sunny day are not as good as you and me chatting.


Hold your hand and share it with you.Take your hand and sleep with your son.Taking your hand, growing old with you togetherTake your hand, what more could a man ask for?


Count the fallen leaves in front of the door, listen to the rain outside the window, the sound of wading sounded this time, you were drenched in the rain heart, whether it is still.


Waiting for me, must wait for me, in the next life, you must find me at the first sight in the boundless huge crowd, we really really can not miss each other.


The furthest distance in the world is not the distance between life and death, not far apart, but when I stand in front of you, yet you don"t know that I love you.


Unlike most people who don"t know where they start, I don"t know where my money is going and I"m as poor as a bag.


You are a proud island, has its own castle, I am not on the shore of the tide, can only surround you.


There are so many options in life.Society is like a river"s lake, always let a person involuntarily, insincere.

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