
疗愈又唯美的高级文案 满是无奈 满眼失望!


一句告别,凝固了永恒的希翼。沉默,诠释了爱已随风飘逝。眼皮底下,完美被撕碎,纷纷扬扬地散落一地。A farewell, solidified the eternal hope Si

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A farewell, solidified the eternal hope.Silence, the interpretation of love has gone with the wind.Under the eyelids, the perfect was torn apart, scattered profusely and disorderly.


When tears overflow eyes of that moment, just know I am not strong.


If he likes you, you temper again mostly call individual character, if he does not like you, even if you are docile like a cat, he all disrelish you drop hair.


Blue sky floating snow, beautiful shoes leakage feet, you my acquaintance is a myth, please call back gently!


If one day we are apart, please remember that a fool loved you, I leave the sad to myself, not to be a lover I will be grateful.


If you care too much about others, you"ll either work yourself to death or let them kill you.


What sustains your life is loneliness itself


Waiting for a boat at the airport is like waiting for you where I first met you. Ridiculous.


If you see the shadow in front of you, don"t be afraid, it"s because sunshine is behind you.


When you feel like crying, put on your eyeliner and tell yourself it will look ugly.


Alone think of you;I want to hug you when I cry;Happy to jump on you;I want to kiss you when I"m excited.It"s all in these four words: I need you!


Arrogant people can be saved, humble people can not be saved, know yourself, yield yourself, change yourself, can change others.

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