
精巧而高级的深情短句 简单美好 适合在朋友圈里!



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"I think I"m being selfish.""Selfish where?""I only like you. I don"t give anyone else a chance."


If I don"t see you now, I"m afraid I"ll choke.


Can always accompany in your side, that is the most beautiful heaven.


There are light poems in the long clouds, light poems with continuous feelings, continuous feelings with my gentle greetings.


The beginning is always sweet


Suddenly remember someone, a giggle.Then, a sense of loss.


Those lost, lost, lost, forgotten, all click delete.Delete files forever.


Far away from you, after a long time, I will meet you.


I don"t want to hit the wall. I want to hit my brother in the chest.


Want a promise, even knowing that it will lose its traces like a kiss on the skin.


Not only your name, but also your cute appearance.


One day, I will put down the present persistent and reluctant, with a little regret to live a new life without you.

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