
适合发朋友圈的小众文案 干净阳光 适合做个性签名!


Life is about mood, life is about quality, dont deny your 100% efforts because of 5% negative emotions 并不是每一件事都注定会成功,但是每一件事都值得一试

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日子过的是心情,生活要的是质量, 不要因为5%的负面情绪,去否定你100%的努力。

Life is about mood, life is about quality, don"t deny your 100% efforts because of 5% negative emotions.


Not everything is destined to succeed, but everything is worth trying.


There is a kind of travel, not for the yearning to travel thousands of miles, just for aimless wandering.


One day and one night is the day, one joy and one worry is the mood, one bitter and one sweet is the taste.


Life, suitable for themselves is the best. Don"t envy, don"t compare, don"t envy, don"t demand.


Keep love and enthusiasm for life and make every day hot.


Hope is like a lamp in the dark, illuminating the way forward.


Reading is static tourism, tourism is mobile reading.


Sometimes, drinking is not because I like the taste of wine, just because I like the feeling of being drunk


May you go through all kinds of hardships and tell us the way to come with a smile.


Self discipline in prosperity, self encouragement in troubles, self-esteem in mortal world and self-healing in introspection.


If you are brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new start.


I don"t have any value. I"m the only one who can take my hand. I"ll give it to you generously. You don"t have to pay it back.


There are too many stories without ending. You should get used to meeting and parting.



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