
很美的文艺英文文案 浪漫干净 看一次就会喜欢


Because he often cant eat on time, he has gastroenteritis, and I still have some painkillers in my pocket 每一次我都很认真地对他:你要好好吃饭,他就会不服的说:我要好好吃饭

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Because he often can"t eat on time, he has gastroenteritis, and I still have some painkillers in my pocket.


Every time I seriously said to him "you should eat well", he would refuse to say "I should eat well"


Not long after I was with him, he suddenly transferred to another school. In fact, it was clear from the beginning.


If one day he comes to a new environment, he will break up with me. He won"t like me for a long time.


But I knew everything, so I had to bet with him, and then he disappeared into my life.


I will put this throbbing heart deep, and it will slowly fall a layer of ash.


Many years later, I am also a doctor.


One day, I was watching the clinic pack up. I heard someone knocking at the door, and then I heard a burst of footsteps.


A crisp male voice sounded "doctor, help me prescribe some gastroenteritis medicine". I can"t remember his voice for many years.


I stood behind the curtain, the movement of my hands stopped, and my breathing was very light. I slowly turned around and opened the curtain. It was still the familiar face and the original appearance.

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