
温柔治愈系的暖心文案 抚慰失落 值得一看


If I can, I would like to spend every minute of my life with you 即使生命将尽,我也想和你相聚在天堂再续前缘

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If I can, I would like to spend every minute of my life with you.


Even if my life ends, I want to be with you in heaven again.


You know what I want for Valentine"s Day?Boil you, fry you, steam you;Roast you, braise you, braise you;Fry you, fry you, chill you!


Love is like the leaf, green in the neglected, appeared in the bud in patience.─ ─ throught light


When you walk towards me, I feel that one day is like three years apart. When you smile at me, I feel that three years have not seen but one day.


Impossible things may come true today, impossible things may come true tomorrow.


I at last ceased to yearn for those flowery dreams of love, I at last ceased to yearn for its fragrant wine.


The so-called most unforgettable, is never remind of, but never forget!


If you can explain why you like a person, then it is not love, real love has no reason, you love him, do not know why.


"You will be lonely." "Why?" "Because you live alone in my heart and have no neighbors."


I like a person to walk in the very quiet very long path, so I can immerse in their fantasy, unscrupulous thoughts.


Drowned in a city of thousands of people

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