
晚上看了会忍不住落泪的伤感文案 简单而温柔 让人流泪!


所谓幸福,就是一个笨蛋遇到一个傻瓜,引来无数人的羡慕和嫉妒。风风雨雨,平平淡淡。The socalled happiness, is a fool met a fool, attracte

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The so-called happiness, is a fool met a fool, attracted countless people envy and jealousy.Ups and downs, flat light.


The best love is probably like this, you accompany me through nothing, I accompany you to the end of the years.


Falling in love is like peeling an onion. There is always one layer that makes you cry.


The most worrying thing is that knowing my heart, neither accepting nor rejecting, let me wander so, wanting to leave but reluctant.


Like a person, will humble to the dust, and then flower.


"Please remember that liking can"t be food." "Well, it can"t." "But if you like it, you can eat well."


Don"t be sad, when she lost, to comfort her, when they make up, just disappear her happiness.


Fornicate love can never last forever. It is only by wearing the cloak of mystery that one can feel at ease.-- Victor Hugo


You can never wake up a fool, also can"t move a person who does not love you.


There is a sad, can only let a person silently tears, but can not burst into tears.


Time flies, looks like from the lonely back to lonely, but we are no longer the origin of that oneself.


The only mean in this life is that you are mine.

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