
看到忍不住流泪的伤心小句子 现实而坚定 懂你的忧伤


Pass valley: dragon dragon you difference year, forever and ever far difference year 一个无人分享的快乐,绝非真正的快乐;一个无人分享的痛苦,则是最可怕的痛苦

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Pass valley: dragon dragon you difference year, forever and ever far difference year.


A happiness that no one shares is never real happiness;A pain that no one shares is the most terrible pain.

每个人都有特别的小爱好, 比如我, 就特别喜欢你。

Everyone has a special hobby, for example, I like you.


Everyone is an individual, and there really is no such thing as someone who can"t live without someone.


Until I met you, I didn"t feel my own existence, always reluctant to leave you, although you said so firmly...


I love you because you are the only one I am looking for.


I don"t need the inexplicable cold and outdated warmth


The relationship between people is wonderful, one second may still hug tightly, the next second has seen as strangers.


I am good to you on the premise that you are good to me, too, old, no time to do unilateral output.


The courage to accept the criticism of others, just can adjust their shortcomings.


There are two of me in the world, one pretends to be happy, one is really sad.


I no longer believe in pure things, no matter love, or friendship.

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