
温情动人的情感文字 深邃而含蓄 让人心动不已


Why break up now the reason is basically do not like inappropriate have no future, but refused to admit that like others 雨说天空会流泪

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Why break up now the reason is basically do not like inappropriate have no future, but refused to admit that like others.


Rain says the sky will cry.Coffee says life must learn to taste bitter.I said it was a pain to live.


This thought oneself invincible, 100 poison not invade, did not think of the end is a pain will cry child.


Soul missing wound even tears do not know who flow...


I want to be the first person you think of when you"re sad.


I have to admit that I spend most of my life alone, and trying to grow up is the best game you can play in solitude.


"I must have done something great in my last life" "to meet you in this one."


Darling, please give me some sunshine, let me also bright bright.

在这个什么都善变的世间 我想和你看一看永远。

In this world where everything is fickle I want to see you forever.


Looking at your smile, I suddenly found that I was the happiest person in the world.


If the thick clouds disappear and the moon shines again, it is only to keep you in my heart, never to die.


You can expect something, but only if you are not afraid of disappointment.

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