
错爱的伤心小短句 抚慰失落 文艺又高级!


We are like this, dilute a feeling;You choose new love, I choose time 别用怜悯的眼神看我Dont look at me with pity你知道你和老

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At the beginning, we know that there will always be an end


We are like this, dilute a feeling;You choose new love, I choose time.


Don"t look at me with pity


"Do you know what the difference is between you and a mouse?" "No." "She lives in a hole and you live in my heart."


Those who are cold and mean are natural,


Force yourself to forget you, but love just know, originally I can not control everything.


I love you as the cat eats fish, fish eats shrimp, shrimp eats shrimp, chasing after you.


Eternal love is keeping the original promise.


Think of a person, a voice.Only for the next life send love acacia.


If I look lethargic, I may be tired, ill, or most likely hungry.


You splash-ink the corner of the incomplete desire to say, so on rendering a summer without ups and downs.


Believe in love like a fool, and finally kick it out like a fool.

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