
深夜独自伤神的情感文字 优质有内涵 能解人心


I would rather be severely hurt by strangers, also can not afford a little familiar people slander 我不喜欢以前的自己,更不喜欢现在的自己

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I would rather be severely hurt by strangers, also can not afford a little familiar people slander.


I didn"t like myself before, and I don"t like myself now.I hate selfish people, more hate hypocritical people.


Happiness is the perfect love unique, tears is the wrong love beautiful encounter.


One man spreads falsehood, a hundred preach truth.


Dear, you today in my mind to run a day, tired not tired?


Life is about repetition and the occasional novelty.


I love you not for who you are, but for who I am when I am with you.


I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about, too, I miss you.


I knew you"d be here, so I waited.


Countless times in the dream of artistic conception, outline your appearance, so devout, and your heart, a lifetime of profound.


Being angry is just to find an excuse to make you care.


Who the hell told me nokia could crack nuts? It"s black.

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