
超甜超撩人文案 简短暖心又温柔 值得收藏!


You are my heart can not stop the like, but also I can not contain the love 我明白我没法震撼谁的一生,但我只想溫柔你的岁月

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You are my heart can not stop the like, but also I can not contain the love.


I understand that I can"t shock anyone"s life, but I just want to soften your years.


I want to send you the love of the whole world and the thoughts and infatuations from swire to reincarnation.


You laugh so good-looking even the moon into a bend, but I also follow the moon drunk together.


I"m intellectually occupied most of the time, but I just want to show all the romance in front of you.


I like you in the heart, happy in my eyebrows between, this life is far from like you to live an interesting life.

我睁开眼睛发现 ,清风明月是你,山间花草树木是你,蓝海河山也是你,于是我闭上眼,在梦中星河却皆化为你。

I opened my eyes and found that the clear wind and moon are you, the mountains and trees are you, the blue sea river is also you, so I closed my eyes, in the dream of the star river is all for you.


Can"t say how much I like you, I just know now I like your degree, is all the other favorites add up, can not reach one thousandth, you are always the first, and far ahead.


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