
抒发情感的温柔小短句 满是爱意 总有可以深入人心



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Only when you fall can you learn to grow. Meeting the wrong person makes you feel grateful and know how to love when you meet the right person. Life is long, love is a knot, and life is also a knot. If you can"t untie this knot, tie it to a beautiful flower.


Remember, but you can"t go back. You shouldn"t be paranoid. No matter you accompany, don"t miss, don"t indulge or sink. The person who apologizes first is the bravest; He who forgives first is the strongest; The happiest people are those who let go first.


Don"t take my unswerving investment in you as the capital of your love for me, okay? 64


I finally know what love is. Not to continue to love, but to have loved like that.


"The equipment is in the dormitory? I"ll take it home first, and you can study here! " At that time, I cried unwillingly, but now the code word cries.


Nothing in this world is more terrible than a person. Sometimes, even if they are alone for a few minutes, they are eager to recruit people to fill the void. They are afraid of silence, silence when they are alone, and records of their happy self [applause] thoughts and inner monologues. Therefore, you must enjoy your company. Advantages are:


Loneliness means that there is no one in your heart. Loneliness is when someone is not around in your heart.


If you really love someone, you will love without commitment; If you don"t love someone, you will betray your promise.


If you can"t solve the problem, ask the child. The opinions blurted out by the child are often the most accurate and practical answers.


In this world, no one can please anyone, so there is no need to please others, don"t worry about others" evaluation of yourself, cherish those who cherish themselves, ignore those who ignore us, and just be the person you like.

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