
适用于宣泄情绪的高级文案 精致而高级 治愈伤痛


When I give up on you, I give up on myself, and my heart dies without you 此刻的我,很坚信顺其自然

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What is lovelorn?Raise your glass to drown your sorrow more sorrow, draw a knife to cut off water more flow, can"t sleep, we count cows, in a bad mood, we travel, really can"t, we go to the park to see monkeys!


When I give up on you, I give up on myself, and my heart dies without you.


Right now, I"m a big believer in letting things happen.Don"t say I don"t care. What if I did?


People need face, your gift is practical, if you do not face enough, I am afraid that the opposite effect is received.


Never like a gust of wind drifting east and west in the gentle wandering.


Said will hurt, thought will hurt, the best way, we have never met.


Don"t torture me, my heart has been cut, not blood, is loving you wrong.


Unfortunately, you and I have no chance to hug you


If one day, you have to go, so promise me to run slowly, so that I can catch up with you.


Standing in front of the window to close your eyes, stretching to the void to try to catch some of what you want, is the feelings that care about, or I personally destroyed the dedication and moved.


Carve out your name in the snow, instantly melt in my heart.Is so thick miss you.


He once lost himself in a heart-shattering ghost rain.Rain, should be a drop of wet wet soul, who shouted out of the window.


Birds are still in pairs, depending on each other to sing busy.Two lines of tears.


Don"t run when it"s raining, it"s raining ahead anyway.

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