
适合怼人的情绪文案 宣泄内心不满 安抚不安的情绪


You can empty your mind, but dont let it go 那么喜欢抬杠,工地就需要你这样的人才

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You can empty your mind, but don"t let it go.


So like to raise a bar, the construction site needs talents like you.


I"m a person with intensive phobia. I"m afraid when I see it.


What can shine is gold, but what reflects light is glass.


I must take you with me when I eat fish. I think you are very picky.


If you want to pick a bone in an egg, you really have nothing to do.


Although you wear perfume, you still can"t hide your sweaty smell.


You must be a dog, right? Otherwise, how could it be so fierce.


It"s a pity that you don"t need to cook for your skill of adding oil and vinegar.


Such a high-grade white lotus must be packed in extra large garbage bags.


If you can"t see clearly, wipe the eye excrement from the corner of your eyes first, and then talk after seeing clearly.


It must cost a lot of money to maintain your skin, otherwise how can you maintain it so thick?


I think your family must live in the sky, otherwise how can they manage so much?

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