
错爱的伤心小短句 字里行间的伤心 让人看心动


I hate rain because I still cant learn to carry an umbrella 你之所以会觉得难受,大概是因为你投入了大把时间和精力,到最后却没能得到你

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I hate rain because I still can"t learn to carry an umbrella.


You probably feel bad because you put a lot of time and energy into it, but at the end of the day, you don"t get what you want, and it"s not worth it to feel like you"re being filled with disappointment all at once.


We are afraid of forgetting, even if there is only one person in the world who cares about you.


It is better to let one person suffer more than to let three people suffer.


When you were at school, was there a person on your left side of the landscape?


As time goes by, I have been lonely for so long, but I return to my original appearance.


Some have not had time to realize the promise, said that the person forgot, the listener also pretended to forget.


I would rather have the breath of her hair, the kisses of her lips, the warmth of her hands than an eternity without them all


We have hugged and easily let go, smiling in anticipation of a rainbow after a storm.


No matter how strong I become, you are still my weakness.


Life is the most regrettable, than, easily give up should not give up, stubbornly insisted that should not adhere to.


I want is a flat light ordinary feelings, publicity high-profile plot is not suitable for me.


The more distraction you have to pay attention to others, the less distraction you have to reflect on yourself, you know?


You just rely on me to like you.

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