
适合所有情绪的文案 情真意切 感同身受!


The feeling of heart tired, is to let a person can not say a hidden pain, there is anxiety 那些刻在椅子背后的爱情,会不会像水泥上的花朵,开出没有风的,寂寞的森林

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The feeling of heart tired, is to let a person can not say a hidden pain, there is anxiety.


Those carved in the chair behind the love, will not like cement on the flowers, out of no wind, lonely forest.


One will not know what one cannot give up, nor will one know what true happiness is, until one has completely lost hope.


The only person you can hurt is the one who loves you the most in the world, because no one else can possibly care about you.


The text message comes and you ask me what I"m doing "in a daze" and I go back to "waiting for your text" and I can"t send it out.


In love, the pain is oneself, hurt is others, the last two very good people will become strange.


There is always a person, you say do not love, but when hearing the news about him, silent heart hurt.


Suddenly want to escape from the present life, desperate to pack up their simple luggage to stray.


Now love is learning is memory rather than happiness.


Sorry, I didn"t expect my greeting to you to disturb.


My warmth is not much, all left to those who are good to me.


Always think that he has a childlike innocence can get rid of the growing pains, in fact, otherwise, unreasonable age over, the grow up.

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