
英语晨读《Sandy Goes to the Vet》


Harry went to see his pet rabbit Here are some carrots for you, Sandy, he said You like carrots! But Sandy did not eat

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Harry went to see his pet rabbit. “Here are some carrots for you, Sandy,” he said. “You like carrots!” But Sandy did not eat the carrots. She hopped slowly, over to her little house and went inside.


Harry ran to get Dad. “Sandy is not eating her carrots!” he said. “Is she sick?” “I will come and have a look at her,” said Dad.


Dad went with Harry to see Sandy. “Look,” said Harry.

“Sandy’s ears are way down!”

“Her nose is hot and dry, too,” said Dad.

“She is sick.

Let’s take Sandy to the vet’s.

Find a box for her and I will start the car.”








The vet got the rabbit out of the box.

“Come on, Sandy,” she said.

“Sit up here on the table.” The vet looked at Sandy.

“Oh dear!” she said.

“You are sick!”





“This will make Sandy better,” said the vet.

“In a day or two she will be eating her carrots and hopping in the garden!”



“That’s good!” said Harry.

“Then I can play with her again.”



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