
孟晚舟女士的朋友圈长文 湖南师大附中肖老师翻译了英文版



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Bright moon lights up my way back home.





the most worthwhile homecoming




It was completely dark out there. Twinkling are the navigation lights which warmed my heart amid this silent night. Right now, I’m flying over the North Pole on my way home, soon to be cuddled in the embrace of China, my Motherland, the land from which I was forced to separate for three years. She is now within my reach.

Odd enough, my mind is preoccupied with a mix of feelings as home draws near. I find myself lost in watery eyes. Under the leadership of CPC, China is on the path to prosperity. Without a strong Motherland behind my back, I would not have regained my freedom today.


Memories flashed through my head as if ages ago, yet so vivid right before my eyes. In the past 1028 days, I have been hesitating, with threads of thoughts hard to sort out; in the past 1028 days, I have been lingering, with thousands of words impossible to articulate; in the past 1028 days, I have been wading through mountains of uncertainties and oceans of despair, without knowing my way out.

“One who hasn’t broken down at night is not at his place to talk about life.” Again and again, life took me to the deep unknown. Again and again, fate dragged me to dark nights. Those are sleepless nights. Those are unforgettable nights.

But I am aware that tears cannot spare me from predicament, and dwelling on what has happened shall not lift me out of the mud. Instead of struggling in the dark, it is better to harbor a silver lining in my heart and break through the haze hanging over my head.


Despite the ferocious waves, one can only ride high and afar with a brave heart. Despite the arduous journey, one can only reach the destination with an unyielding heart. Among countless runs and falls, only this episode adds grit to my shoulders. Of numberless departures and arrivals, only this chapter fills my eyes with rolling tears.

Warmth comes with the lights when I picture the myriad households back home; Hope is born when I look up at the starry nights high and boundless. I am eternally grateful for what I have been bestowed.


We pray for peace, and fortunately we are born into a peaceful time. We admire greatness, and best of all, we are born in this great nation. As someone who grew up in the era of China’s reform and opening-up, I firsthand witnessed and experienced the wonder of China and Chinese people. My fellow compatriots have committed themselves to hard work ceaselessly for decades. It’s their sacrifice that leads our nation to wealth and power, our people to common prosperity, and the world to peace and better development.


I want to thank my dear family who went through thick and thin with me, who underwent the trials and tribulations with me, and who tasted all the sweet and sorrow with me. It is your company oceans away that enables me to climb over peak after peak; It is your silent close watch that empowers me to fumble my way through brambles and thorns. I want to thank my dear friends and partners. There is a type of romance called fighting side by side; There is a kind of pureness called sparing no effort; There is a fashion of bravery called taking the bull by the horns. Looking back, I am oftentimes overwhelmed by their enduring comradeship and awe-inspiring sense of accountability.


I want to thank my dear colleagues. Long as we depart, your heartfelt encouragement and consistent loyalty are what keep us standing together during the stormy periods. It was the hardest of times, it was the mightiest of times; It was the odyssey of greatness, it was the destination of aspiration. I want to thank every single one of you who has cared about me --- strangers as we might be, your love, greetings and blessings illuminate the corner of hazy sky over my bumpy road.


I can’t recall how many times when I woke up at midnight, I woke up to find a full bright moon, rivers and lakes, and my friends and family, all of which are in the bottom of heart keeping me moving forward in the past three years while being held up in a foreign land.

The cool autumn winds gusted across my face and I am to board my heart-warming flight, dressed in an overcoat in Vancouver of September. Right now, it is a beautiful day in my Motherland, where the finest season of the year is about to come and Nature is soon to take on its most charming form. I wish my Motherland a happy upcoming birthday!

The way back home is winding and long, yet it’s the most worthwhile homecoming.

肖思宇,湖南师大附中高中英语教师,目前任教G2121,G2122和G2124班。2014年毕业于美国匹兹堡大学(University of Pittsburgh)获英语教育硕士学位,并取得国际高级英语教师资格证。个人曾获2020年度湖南师大附中集团高中英语赛课一等奖。曾在湖南师范大学外国语学院担任两年的大学英语教师,主教英语写作基础、英语口语、英语泛读等专业课程。曾担任教育部国家留学基金委出国留学英语统考的英语口试来 源 / 英语教研组

来源:湖南师范大学附属中学英语教研组 翻 译 / 肖思宇

编 审 / 苏晓玲

二 审 / 尹一兵

终 审 /陈迪勋 苏建祥

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