
被伤心包围的情感文案 简单高级 使人心动!


Even stay up late is a person, go to bed early, you have no one to say good night, no one is reluctant to you stay up late 后来的我独自站在街角,在风里享受你离开后的孤独

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Even stay up late is a person, go to bed early, you have no one to say good night, no one is reluctant to you stay up late.


Later I stand alone in the street corner, in the wind to enjoy the loneliness after you leave.


I"m the one who pissed you off, so I"m sorry


Sometimes, feelings are like this, clearly know no good results, but partial to go their own way.


I do not allow you to be lonely, my love and thoughts will always accompany you, with them, you will not feel lonely.


When a woman says "hate" to you, it means she likes you.When a man says "hate" to you, he really hates you.


Everyone has a corner, they can not get out, others can not hit into.That"s where I put my deepest secrets.I don"t blame you for not understanding me.


The only gift love needs is love.- the guy


Love or do not love, give me a word of the answer "" do not love" "a word of the answer!Again"


My concern is you look humble please however, with what no regrets for you when the youth.

At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。

At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.


Most of the time, the heart is clearly not like that, but can not control their own and say the opposite.

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