
适用于忧伤时发的小句 治愈情绪 字字入心


I can ignore, not see nor mean, but miss and sad how to hide 对不起,昨天不是有意气你的,你还好吧?在家干什么呢,没有生我气吧?Im

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I can ignore, not see nor mean, but miss and sad how to hide.


I"m sorry. I wasn"t angry with you yesterday. Are you okay?What are you doing home? You"re not mad at me, are you?


Pride into the corner, take out all the good, you still silent.


Flowers in the United States, not you in my mind.


When everything becomes indifferent when what can let oneself to care about.


I know you are in the distance under the wind and rain, but I can do nothing, you do not cry, I can not hold you


I told all my lies, and you believed them all.Simple I love you, but you do not believe.


Think of you, is a sad beauty and sweet frustrated.In my heart, there is a warmth that can not be replaced.


.Take care of yourself if you can, or let me take care of you!


Happiness is installed to others to see another kind of pain, carnival is to leave their pain another kind of loneliness.


Please respect your gay friends, because they will save you two girls!


The landscape is not what it used to be.


We can"t choose whether we will be tempted, but we should at least know whether to give up.That"s what it takes to grow up.I still love you. I just don"t like you anymore.


One had better not have a good memory, because the more memories, the less happiness.

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