
生活英语——开车出行 安全第一safety comes first


Baby,safety always comes first 2 交通规则规定小孩子只能坐在车后排

友情提示:本文共有 3246 个字,阅读大概需要 7 分钟。

安全第一 Safety comes first

1. 宝贝,安全第一。

Baby,safety always comes first.

2. 交通规则规定小孩子只能坐在车后排。

The traffic rules say kids must sit in the back.

3. 安全带系好。你安全带系好了吗?

Buckle up. Have you buckled your seat belt?

4. 小孩子必须系好安全带。否则警察很可能会把我们拦下来,给我们一张罚单。

Kids must sit in the car wearing their seat belts. Otherwise, there’s a great chance that a police office will pull us over and give us a ticket.

5. 不要把手伸出窗外。如果我们开车经过什么物体,你可能会没胳膊的。

Don’t stick your arm out of the window. If we drive past an object, you might lose an arm.

沿途风景 Scenary

6. 我们开窗通通风,呼吸新鲜空气的感觉真好。

Let’s open the windows to let in some fresh air. It’s wonderful to breathe in the fresh air.

7. 路两边有好多大树。好美啊!

There are trees on both sides of the road. What a beautiful view!

路况 Road condition

8. 这条路路况太差了,需要修一修了。

This road is in bad condition. It needs to be repaired.

9. 这条路还在修。有点儿颠簸。

This road is under construction. It’s a little bit bumpy.

10. 这条路走够宽,可以容纳4辆车同时通过。

This road is wide enough for 4 cars to pass at the same time.

红绿灯 Traffic lights

11. 前面的路口那里没有红绿灯。我们要格外小心一点。

There are no traffic lights to guide us at the intersection ahead. We must be extra careful.

12. 我们必须要遵守红绿灯。红色代表”停”,绿灯代表“行”,黄灯代表”小心一点,信号灯马上要变红了”。

We must obey the traffic lights. A red light means stop and a green light means go and a yellow light means “Watch out ! The light is about to turn red!”

13. 你要记住绿灯并不意味着此时过马路是100%安全的。切记一定要朝两边看一下再穿马路。

Always keep in mind that a green light doesn’t mean that it’s 100% safe to cross the street. It’s very important to look both ways before you go.

14. 前面有个人行道。人行道由一组横线组成。

There’s a crosswalk ahead. It’s a combination of horizontal lines.

车道 Lanes

15. 黄色的线将朝这个方向走的车和反方向开过来的车划分开来。

The yellow lines provides a divider between the traffic going in this direction and traffic coming in the opposite direction.

*这种隔离带成为flower bed



16. 白色的虚线将路分为不同的车道。

White broken lines divide the road into different lanes.

特种车辆 Special vehicles

17. 快看,那是一辆清扫车。清扫车带有一个旋转的刷子以及一个真空系统,可以把脏东西吸起来。

Look! That’s a street sweeper. A street sweeper has a rotating brush and a suction system to suck up dirt.

18. 洒水车通过喷水来清洗街道。污水会流入下水道的.

A street washer sprays water to clean the streets. Then the wastewater runs into the sewer system.

19. 水泥搅拌车有一个旋转的容器,可以把沙子和水搅拌在一起来制作水泥。

A cement mixer has a revolving container that can mix sand and water together to make cement.

建筑工地 A constructions site

20. 看右边。马路右边是个建筑工地。都被围起来了。

Look to the right. There’s a construction site on the right side of the road. It’s blocked off.

21. 几个月后这里就会是一个商场了。

It’ll turn into a shopping mall in a few months.

22. 你看到工地上的推土机了吗?它前面有一个带刀片的斗,可以来清理或者把东西推走。

Can you see the bulldozer in the construction yard? It’s got a bucket with a blade at the end to clear or push things away.

23. 那辆挖掘机有一个铲子用来挖东西或者把东西铲起来。工人们用它来挖地。

That digger has a scoop for digging and scooping things. Construction workers can use it for digging the ground.

24. 那是你最喜欢的吊车。它可以把很重的东西吊起来,然后移到其他地方。

That’s your favorite crane. It can lift heavy things up and move them.

25. 那是一辆翻斗车。它的后面有一个巨大的斗,用来输运土,沙子,或者石子。它可以把斗掀起来,把它拉的东西倒出来。

It’s a dump truck. It has a huge bed on the back to haul dirt, sand or gravel. It can lift the bed up and dump things out.

26. 建筑工人们必须带安全帽,保护他们的头,以免为坠落物体砸到。

Construction workers must wear hard hats to protect their heads from falling objects.

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