
超治愈情感文案 暖心治愈 内涵有深度!


The reality is so helpless, the road is still very long, they must be strong 我会将我们的过去埋好,如你所愿

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The reality is so helpless, the road is still very long, they must be strong.


I"ll bury our past, just like you want.

“ 这世界上有六十多亿人口,但在某个瞬间,只这一个人,就能抵过千军万马,四海潮生。”

"There are more than six billion people in the world, but at some point, one person can outweigh a thousand armies and a thousand horses and four seas."


A look up to see the sky, the original is so blue.


Say sorry to yourself, once for others and difficult for yourself.


When the wind blows my long hair, I stand alone on the top of the mountain, so lonely, just waiting for the distant person who I miss so much.


Cold stone, sit for three years will be warm.


"Because I don"t feel loved, I go first."

他爱你的时候 你找蛛丝马迹证明他不爱你 他不爱你的时候 你捡起零零碎碎证明他爱你 什么毛病 烦得很

He loves you when you look for clues to prove that he does not love you he does not love you when you pick up bits and pieces to prove that he loves you what trouble trouble very much


Want to erase you from my memory, but always involuntarily to think of you: in the dream of every moment, in the wake of the minute.


There can be no delay, no much talk, no action.Don"t ask, don"t think, don"t say anything that doesn"t concern you.?


Tired of being a fairy, want to be your wife.

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