
适用于夜深人静时发的孤独文案 感同身受 深情难忘记


The reincarnation of cause and effect back to the tosheng return secular monks and nuns, the beauty of the landscape and h

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The reincarnation of cause and effect back to the tosheng return secular monks and nuns, the beauty of the landscape and heaven, the pine drizzle back to the first encounter, the love at first sight back to you.


Never waste a minute of your time thinking about anyone you don"t like.


I won everyone, but lost you.


Know him my tragedy, ruined myself also want to leave this dark mood and you happy to go on.


Those from the window across the scenery, as the picture of the same gallop, can not catch the hands, warm heart.


"You smile at me.""I won"t be able to sleep at night if you don"t laugh at me."


Like you, I want to give you the sweetest part of grapefruit, the cherry on the cake to you, as long as it is wonderful things, I want to give you.


I"m less and less like myself now.What do you look like?As your husband


East wind night flowers thousands of trees, I want to live in your home.


To meet you is the luck of my life;Liking you is the best thing I"ve ever done.

The heart that once truly loves never forgets真挚恋爱过的心永不忘却。

The heart that once Truly loves Never forgets.


Is it clear after become despise.No longer that love you.Don"t love you anymore.Really.Let you go.

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